
Languages Course Rotations

Dr. Joshua Mora 1  Spanish Class Sign Language

Below is the tentative undergrad Plainview campus (face-to-face classes) course rotation schedule. Contact Dr. Joshua Mora (moraj@wbu.edu), Professor of Spanish, for verification of upcoming classes.

Fall 猎奇重口视频 Plainview
ASL. 1401 – Beginning American Sign Language I
ASL. 2301 – Intermediate American Sign Language I
SPAN 1401 – Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 2301 – Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 3315 – Spanish for Law Enforcement
SPAN 4101 – Spanish Major Capstone
SPAN 4309 – Spanish for the Professions

Spring 2023 Plainview
ASL. 1402 – Beginning ASL II
ASL. 2302 – Intermediate ASL II
SPAN 1401 – Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1402 – Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2302 – Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 3313 – Latin American Culture and Civilization
SPAN 4305 – Latin American Literature

Fall 2023 Plainview
ASL. 1401 – Beginning American Sign Language I
ASL. 2301 – Intermediate American Sign Language I
SPAN 1401 – Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 2301 – Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 3305 – Spanish Conversation
SPAN 3322 – Adv. Grammar and Composition I

Spring 2024 Plainview
ASL. 1402 – Beginning ASL II
ASL. 2302 – Intermediate ASL II
SPAN 1402 – Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2302 – Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 3324 – Spanish for Translation
SPAN 3323 – Adv. Grammar and Composition II
SPAN 4101 – Spanish Major Capstone

Email Dr. Strovas at StrovasK@wbu.edu to request the ONLINE rotation for Spanish and other languages.